Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)2023-03-082023-03-082023-02-22 Video, Size: 1.6GB; Duration: 1:14:14ChatGPT is a new language-based artificial intelligence (AI) technology developed by OpenAI, that can understand and communicate in human language. ChatGPT has gained a lot of attention since its release in November 2022 and is already being integrated into various industries. Many in the field of higher education are curious to know how ChatGPT could be used to create authentic assessments to measure students’ knowledge and skills. On the other hand, students could also use ChatGPT to write assignments etc., making it difficult for educators to detect cheating. In response, the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) hosted the 11th ASSAf Presidential Roundtable Discussion titled “The Implications of ChatGPT for Assessment in Higher Education”. The panellists included: Dr Franci Cronjé (Research Associate, The IIE Vega School), Dr Roze Phillips (Founder and CEO, Abundance at Work) and Prof Johannes Cronjé (Professor, Digital Teaching and Learning, Cape Peninsula University of Technology). The overall sentiment is that ChatGPT is a useful tool that should be used with some element of caution. We must consider the ethics, the learning process for the student and move our thinking about assessment from assessing the product, to assessing the process, amongst other things. There were close to 1400 participants in attendance. The ASSAf Presidential Roundtables on Science, Scholarship and Society, which are hosted by ASSAf and moderated by ASSAf’s President, Prof Jonathan Jansen, are an evidence-based dialogue that brings together experts and stakeholders to address critical issues affecting society at large and are of interest to a broad audience.enArtificial IntelligenceAIChatGPTAssessmentStudent assessmentHigher Education InstitutionsSDG4The implications of ChatGPT for assessment in higher educationVideo