Quest Volume 7 Number 4

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Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
Academy of Science of South Africa: Department of Science and Innovation
Forestry is not about trees - it's about people; Stellenbosch University's Department of Forest and Wood Science takes us on a journey through South African forestry; Converting biomass to energy - a South African perspective: How wood and wood derivatives are contributing to sustainable energy production in South Africa; The value of wood: Scientific management and innovation are driving sustainable production in South Africa's forests; How strong is that piece of wood?; The use of wood in the construction industry makes it essential that wood strength can be predicted accurately; Forestry and rural development: Forestry plays a vital role in the health of rural communities; Breakthroughs bring us ever closer to HIV cures: A patient in Berlin may have provided the key to curing HIV; Tool use by early modern humans; Once again, the Blombos Caves are providing insight into early modern human behaviour; United Nations International Year of Forests 2011 - celebrating forests for people: An innovative use of IT and imagination New hope in the fight against HIV infection OuEsr looks at the latest update on the global HIV pandemic 24 HIV: who would have thought ... ?; It seems that radiation treatment could have unexpected effects on people living with HIV; The mathematics behind the transmission of HIV: How to make people think seriously about HIV transmission; What happens to man-made C02 emissions?: Where does all the C02 that our activities produce go?: Conserving our rivers: a meandre along riparian zones; South Africa's rivers play a vital role in conservation; Climate change and our coasts: Our marine and coastal development will not escape the influences of climate change; Acid mine drainage - can it affect human health?: The jury is still out on whether or not acid mine drainage can harm human health, but that is no reason to ignore its potential to do damage;
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