I. Other

About this Collection

This collection contains slide presentations and audio/video recordings not provided for elsewhere. This includes events/activities/participation in special day, special week, special month and special year celebrations, as well as science festivals and thematic weeks, e.g. National Science Week, Science Engagement and Open Access Week.

Peer-Review Status: Non-Peer Reviewed

Enquiries: Henriëtte Wagner


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 12
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    Public session on the programme: Role of National Academies and Universities in Promoting Human Rights and Enhancing Equality Proceedings Report
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2024) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies(IHRN)
    The 14th Biennial Meeting of the International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies (IHRN) on the Role of National Academies and Universities in Promoting Human Rights and Enhancing Equality Prof André Keet, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Engagement and Transformation at the Nelson Mandela University, delivered the keynote address. Prof Keet highlighted and acknowledged the role of universities and academies in upholding, improving and promoting human rights and equality agendas for all, the threat against academic freedom and the role that the scientific, health and engineering disciplines play in furthering the agendas on human rights and enhancing equality. This was followed with 5 panels exploring the themes of: (a) Equity in Global Collaborations; (b) Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence; (c) Addressing Stigma and Discrimination; (d) Safeguarding Academic Freedom; and (e) Advancing Social Justice through Promotion of Access to Health Care.
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    Early career scholars panel on: The Role of National Academies and Universities in Promoting Human Rights and Enhancing Equality Proceedings Report
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2024) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies(IHRN)
    The 14th Biennial Meeting of the International Human Rights Network of Academies and Scholarly Societies (IHRN) began with an Early Career Scholars Panel, during which up-and-coming scholars deliberated on present-day global human rights issues. The moderator of the panel was Prof Catherine Burns (Associate Professor of Medical History, University of Witwatersrand) and the panel members were Lt Col Dr Esewu Mxolisi Mathebula (South African Association of PhDs), Mr Michael Martin (New Voices in Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, U.S. National Academies), Prof Mzukisi Njotini (Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Fort Hare, South African Young Academy of Science) and Prof Martha Bradley (Associate Professor in the Department of Public Law, University of Johannesburg, Future Professors Programme). In this session, the Early Career Scholars gave their perspectives on topics related to the theme of the IHRN meeting, ‘The Role of National Academies and Universities in Promoting Human Rights and Enhancing Equality.’ The session had posed a greater number of questions than it had provided answers for. However, some questions stood out, namely how scholars communicate their scientific knowledge in ways that are respectful and dignified, but still critical and engaged across class, gender, hierarchy and region. ASSAf was acknowledged for bringing scholars and colleagues from learned societies together at this event and addressing current and controversial issues. Science can correct itself only through processes such as this.
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    Impact of climate change on food systems: Using transdisciplinary science to drive mitigation and adaptation solutions to protect and promote health
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2022) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); InterAcademy Partnership (IAP); Network of African Science Academies (NASAC)
    A recent systems-based approach to tackling climate change and health issues, from the global InterAcademy Partnership and its regional academy networks, examined how science can guide innovation, policy and practice for climate mitigation and adaptation. Among adverse climate change effects are those mediated by multiple impacts on food production and, consequently, on health and livelihoods. Outputs from the global assessment and specifically from Africa will be presented to exemplify the diverse challenges and opportunities to identify and implement solutions, integrated between agriculture and other sectors, at all levels of governance.
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    Health Research and its contribution to South Africa’s democracy
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2022-08) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
    Freedom of speech encompasses freedom of research and is an important component of any democracy. Health research, and communication around this research, have contributed to strengthening South Africa's democracy. Generally, COVID-19 research has been well disseminated and discussed openly, between scientists, civil society and government. To this extent, COVID-19 related health research can be said to have strengthened the functioning of our democracy. However, the pandemic has bought to the forefront important questions about the role of health research in a democracy. This webinar explored: 1) The extent to which the discussion around health research during COVID-19 excluded other research voices from the mainstream. 2) The extent to which health research should be a matter of discussion amongst non-specialists? Should there be limits on information shared/discussions held? 3) In an environment of the free flow of information, does the way in which health research information is shared enhance or undermine our democracy? 4) How does the dissemination of health research information affect the relationships between scientists, government and civil society?
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    Mental Health and the role of traditional healers
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2022) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
    Webinar presented on 8 July 2022 by the Academy of Science of South Africa. The provision of treatment, care and rehabilitation services for people with Mental, Neurological and Substance use (MNS) disorders is a multisectoral responsibility. Traditional healers have a unique role to play, especially in resource-limited settings. It is estimated that there are about 200 000 traditional healers as compared to 975 registered psychiatrists – who mostly practise in urban areas and the private sector. Traditional health practitioners and those linked to faith-based organisations play a significant role in providing services for people with MNS disorders. These are often an entry point into systems of care. These providers, therefore, could play a significant role in identifying people with such disorders, and in some cases, have worked cooperatively with health services in providing for the mental health and spiritual needs of individuals. There is a need to understand the role of traditional health practitioners in mental health care. This webinar seeks to understand the role, knowledge, attitude, and practice of traditional healers in mental health care with the aim to encourage their participation in terms of the treatment, care and rehabilitation of people with MNS disorders.
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    Priorities for child and adolescent mental health research and services in South Africa
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2022) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)
    Children and adolescents under the age of 18 years comprise 34% of the population, and child and adolescent Mental, Neurological and Substance Use (MNS) disorders are common and an important cause of disability and distress. Providers at all levels should be competent to screen for and identify common childhood mental disorders, which usually present with developmental delay, emotional and/or behavioural symptoms and/or learning difficulties. Given the burden of disease, the fact that many mental disorders begin in childhood, and that early intervention is most effective in childhood and adolescence, it is essential that effective promotion, prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation interventions should be provided for children and adolescents. In this webinar, hosted by the Academy of Science of South Africa, leading experts in child and adolescent mental health will presented their priorities for child and adolescent mental health services and research in South Africa.
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    Webinar: Mechanisms, funding and state capability for poverty and inequality reduction (post-Covid) in South Africa
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2021) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); May, Julian; Frye, Isobel; Kirsten, Johann; Adesina, Jimi
    The Standing Committee on the Science for the Reduction of Poverty and Inequality (SCSfRPI) is a committee of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). In July 2020, the ASSAf Council mandated the committee to focus on poverty and inequality concerning the pandemic and consult interdisciplinary science on reducing poverty and inequality. In response, the SCSfRPI conceptualised a webinar series that will delve into the following themes:
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    Webinar Three of a Three-part Series: What must be done if the state is to be capable of poverty and inequality reduction?
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); SARChI Chair in Social Policy at the University of South Africa (UNISA), 2021) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); SARChI Chair in Social Policy at the University of South Africa (UNISA)
    The Standing Committee on the Science for the Reduction of Poverty and Inequality (SCSfRPI) is a committee of the acclaimed Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). In July 2020, the ASSAf Council mandated the committee to focus on poverty and inequality concerning the pandemic and consult interdisciplinary science on reducing poverty and inequality. In response, the SCSfRPI conceptualised a webinar series that will delve into the following themes:
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    Launch of the Consensus Study Report on: The Root Causes of Low Vaccination Coverage and Under-Immunisation in Sub-Saharan Africa
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2021) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS)
    Despite the global availability of proven efficacious and cost-effective vaccines for the past several decades, vaccine-preventable diseases kill more than half a million children under five years of age every year In Africa –representing approximately 56% of global deaths (WHO, 2017). Sub–Saharan Africa (SSA) alone accounts for 40% of all global deaths, a phenomenon attributed to lack of access to available lifesaving vaccines (Wiysonge, Uthman, Ndumbe, & Hussey, 2012). WHO estimates that in 2019 the African region accounted for approximately 43% of unimmunised and incomplete immunised infants in the world (i.e.: 8.5 million of the global 19.4 million). Relatedly, the region scores the lowest immunisation coverage, at 76% versus the global coverage of 86% (WHO, 2020a). This is despite several documented efforts by different stakeholders to improve coverage in the region (Mihigo, Okeibunor, Anya, Mkanda, & Zawaira, 2017). Many studies have been conducted on coverage and drivers for and bottlenecks against immunisation in SSA. (Wiysonge, Uthman, Ndumbe, & Hussey, 2012), (Wiysonge, Young, Kredo, McCaul, & Volmik, 2015), (Mihigo, Okeibunor, Anya, Mkanda, & Zawaira, 2017), (Madhi & Rees, 2018) (Bangura, et al., 2020), all of which have observed that there is varied performance among the constituent countries, and also within countries over time, denoting some implicitly common underlying correlates threading through areas of higher performance; and the same is seen with the poorer performing areas. This consensus study therefore seeks to categorise and make explicit these “root causes” and based on documented successes, to make recommendations to address the bottlenecks and harness the opportunities for reaching every child with all the recommended vaccines. The theory of change presentation style used in this report, categorising the root causes under four broad interlinked themes, can provide a common basis to rally like-minded partners around a thematic cause and thus develop multicomponent, comprehensive strategies to bring about impactful change. This is in line with the call made by the World Health Organisation Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation, which recommended that countries, regions and global immunisation partners commit to a comprehensive review of progress, impact, and implementation of the WHO Global Vaccine Action Plan to inform a post2020 strategy taking into account lessons learned. This strategy will assist with attaining the relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
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    Webinar Two of a Three-part Series: How to Fund Interventions to Reduce Poverty in South Africa?
    (Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), 2021) Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); Bureau for Economic Research (BER)
    The ASSAf Standing Committee on the Science for the Reduction of Poverty and Inequality (SCSfRPI) has been mandated by the ASSAf Council to focus on poverty and inequality in respect to the pandemic, and to consult interdisciplinary science in the consideration of how to reduce poverty and inequality. In response, the SCSfRPI conceptualised a webinar series that will delve into the following themes:
©The Author/Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)